
Weshalb sind Gesundheitskampagnen wichtig?

In Ecuador kann sich die arme Bevölkerung in der Regel keinen Arztbesuch leisten. Daher konnten die meisten Kinder noch nie ärztlich versorgt werden. Bei Krankheiten wie beispielsweise Neurodermitis oder bei Würmern, entzündeten Wunden oder sonstigen Krankheiten müssen die Kinder selbst sehen, wie sie ohne ärztliche Hilfe und ohne Medizin zurechtkommen.

Deshalb haben wir beschlossen, dass wir hier unbedingt etwas tun müssen. So organisieren wir Gesundheitskampagnen, bei denen Ärzte arme Kinder aus Riobamba kostenlos untersuchen, behandeln und mit Medikamenten versorgen. Diese Untersuchungen finden auf unserem Grundstück statt.

Campaigns Already Conducted

March 2016

The last health campaign took place in March 2016, where the poor, predominantly Indigenous population from our neighborhood was invited again. Twelve doctors from Spain participated with great dedication and expertise. The people received free examinations and treatments. They also received practical information about good nutrition and the importance of hygiene.

August 2015

In August 2015, several dentists visited our facility. Many children were examined, treated, and given tips on dental care. This was again a tremendous blessing for everyone.

April 2013

Our board member, Pastor Juan Cabezas, organized for one day a general practitioner and an ophthalmologist who conducted necessary examinations for the children free of charge. Many children were finally able to receive medical treatment for the first time during this initiative. Approximately 50 children were present that day. Most were quickly helped and received appropriate medication to take home after their examinations.

The ophthalmologist also examined the children; where vision problems were detected, he was able to provide them with suitable glasses from his stock free of charge.

It was moving to see how much the mothers and children appreciated this help—some even in tears—knowing they received assistance without having to pay anything.

August 2012

In early August 2012, our board member, Pastor Juan Cabezas, organized another mission team from Guayaquil that was willing to provide free examinations and treatments for those in need.

We are very grateful that we were able to offer so much assistance to the poor people through these free medical efforts.

October 2011

In October 2011, a mission team from the USA was on-site. Several doctors cared for both children and adults. The people waited patiently for their turn; everyone expressed their gratitude for the free medical treatment they received and for finally being able to see a doctor. Those who wished were also prayed for.

November 2010

In November 2010, we were able to examine and treat approximately 120 children from the region free of charge on our property in Riobamba. Two doctors were continuously engaged in this effort. Many of the children suffered from ailments such as intestinal diseases, skin problems, or the effects of malnutrition. The joy of the mothers was immense when they saw their children in medical care for the first time and receiving help.

August 20, 2009

We initiated our first unofficial inauguration on our property with a health campaign.

On the initiative of Immanuel-International e.V., two doctors were found who offered to provide medical care for children from poor families. Although the information was only announced shortly before through a local radio station and spread by word of mouth, approximately 80 children were able to receive free medical care that afternoon. A number of inflamed infections were treated, and the families received free medicine and important vitamins.